Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Long Day, By Dabeagle

"I hadn't meant to speak, but it had happened and I hated myself for it. My dad and I moved here after my mom my sister and I had been in a bad car accident. In the end it took my mother and sister, but spared me for some unknown reason. As a cosmic joke for months afterward I spoke in only song lyrics or something equally rhythmic or repetitious, not always the whole poem or anything, so sometimes at almost sounded like I was talking. And sometimes while I was under pressure, I still did. And I was powerless to stop it and as a result I rarely spoke. I could still feel the sickening lurch of the car rolling off the embankment, the disorientation as the car went upside down, right side up, upside down until it landed on the roof. The police said my mother fell asleep, and my sister had flattened the front seat out to sleep, so the seat belt was worthless. Only I, strapped in the back seat came through with just a few bruises."
Genre: Fiction/Romance.

Size: 20 chapters
Rating 3/5
Link: http://www.dabeagle.com/storymainpages/longday.htm

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